Hai Technocrats,

We known that OBIEE is a Reporting Tool.

Today i will give the advantages/why OBIEE.

1> Scalability
2> Performance
3> Security
4> Parallel Processing

Scalability: We know that OBIEE is a reporting tool. For generating reports we need data in database. OBIEE support any kind of database

Performance: OBIEE generates fast reports. It has cache concept, it will increase performance

Security : Two types of securities are there


Authentication is a process of obtaining identification credentials such as userid and password for user and validating those credentials against some authority.

For example, userid and password giving to the OS while we are login. Here OS is the third party. This is called third party authentication. The following are the some Authentication types

• Operating System
• Database System
• External Table
• LDAP (Light Weight Direct Access Protocol)


Authorization is process of granting/revoking the privileges.
For example, grant and revoke in sql. The following are the two types of Authorization

• Object Level Security
• Data Level Security

Parallel Processing: If the number of request came to BI Server it respond to all request with out any problem. In BI Server Load Balancer is available. Load Balancer is an internal program it will take care of parallel processing.

The new things in the above are discussed further.

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