Hai Technocrats,
Today i wan say about Database used by OBI. Generally we have two types of database
OLTP Database: OLTP means Online Transaction Processing. This type of database will change frequently. Generally this type of database is used by Office Assistants/Clerks in a Business Organisation. Data in this type of database is Volatile, means changing frequentl
For example, take Student address in college database, if the student changes his/her address. In college database the new address is update but the old address will not exist. This type of database is called as OLTP database.

OLAP Database: OLAP means Online Analytical Processing. This type of database will not change, data will exist permanently. Generally this type of database is used by Business Manager for reports in a Business Organization. Because they will analyze the business for future development based on the past data. Actually OLAP Database is called as DATA WAREHOUSE.
OLAP Database is formed based on OLTP database. The abouve Figure roughly show you how the OLAP database will be populate.
But actually the above is not possible means inserting all OLTP data into data warehouse. So we use ETL Tool, through that we will insert all OLTP data into OLAP database or Data Warehouse.
ETL – Extract, Transform and Load.
ETL tools are Informatica, ODI, and Data Stage etc.
Ok we may get doubt why I am say all this. Ya, me also thought the same when am learning. But this is very important, our OBI reporting tool will connect to OLAP database. I already mention that reporting tool is for generating report with that Business people know the status.
In market we have so many number of Reports tools(OBI, COGONS etc). Almost all reporting tools will work with OLAP Database only.
If you start from DOWN, destination is TOP…
If you start from TOP, destination is DOWN.
Good posting balu .. but in OLAP cant i change the earlier reports ??
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